To view this property, please click on "Get in touch" on to register for the property and also receive a link to the online application. (Our Office uses 2Apply)
Due to the nature of the current housing crisis, please feel free to apply even if you haven't inspected the property.
More photos to come.
Features include:-
Spacious Living areas
4 Built-in bedrooms (main with Walk-in-robe)
Ensuite to main bedroom
Separate Study with timber louvres at the front of the house
Fully Tiled
Living area with split System air conditioning
Separate Media Room with timber louvres & split system air conditioning
Modern Kitchen with Overhead Cupboards
Security screens
Double garage with remote control
Private Fenced Rear Yard
Close to Isabella State School, Sugarworld Shopping Centre & Sugarworld Adventure Park.
Air Conditioning
Built In Robes
Outdoor Entertaining