$595.00 p/w

3 Lenora Close, Woree QLD 4868

3 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

860 m²

$595.00 p/w

3 Lenora Close, Woree QLD 4868

3 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

860 m²

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To view this property, please click on "Get in touch" on realestate.com.au to register for the property and also receive a link to the online application. (Our Office uses 2Apply)

Due to the nature of the current housing crisis, please feel free to apply even if you haven't inspected the property.

This fabulous home is situated in a lovely close and within walking distance to the Catholic College of St Mary's and St Gerard Majella schools.

Please note:-
Rent will be $500 per week until 17/04/2025 and there after $595 per week. (this is due to the last rent increase being 18/04/2024)

Features include:-

* 3 Bedrooms, 2 with built-in's
* Ensuite to main bedroom
* Both bathrooms have spacious shower's
* Air Conditioning to the Living area and to the 2 front bedrooms
* 3 Spacious Living areas
* Fully tiled throughout (no carpet)
* Security screens
* Extra large double garage with roller doors
* Great sized backyard with lots of room to enjoy

Great location and the previous tenants loved this home.


Air Conditioning

Built In Robes

Rumpus Room


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